Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maclean's Report Identifies Canadian University College's Strengths

For the first time ever Canadian University College is ranked with other Canadian post-secondary institutions in Maclean's online report of 2012 National Survey of Student (NSSE) results.  The report of NSSE scores from 69 Canadian institutions showed CUC listed in the Top 10 in three of the five benchmarks.  Were scores for all five benchmarks combined for an overall score, preliminary analysis shows CUC would be listed 5th.

Although this is the first time CUC's students have participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement, this instrument is used by more than 1400 universities in Canada and the United States to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience inside and outside the classroom that can be improved through changes in policies and practices more consistent with good practices in undergraduate education.

"Even though we are pleased with nearly all of our results, like the other institutions do, we will use the data to make changes to improve and enhance the full spectrum of students' experience at CUC," said Mark Haynal, president.  "Using this data, we have already implemented specific changes in the area of academic challenge that we believe will benefit our students."

The five benchmarks Maclean's reported online are: Supportive Campus Environment, Student Faculty Interaction, Active and Collaborative Learning, Level of Academic Challenge, Enriching Educational Experience.

While CUC's results in NSSE's five benchmarks were published only on Maclean's website, the February 18 print edition listed how CUC's 1st and 4th year students responded to two NSSE questions:

Question 1:  How happy are you with your university education?
CUC 1st Year Student Rating: 45, which is above the NSSE average for 1st year students of 39.  CUC is listed 15th in the group of 69 Canadian universities.
CUC 4th Year Student Rating:  34, which is lower than the NSSE average for 4th year students of 41.  CUC is listed 31st in the group of 69 Canadian universities.

Question 2: Would you go back to school at your university?
CUC 1st Year Student Positive Response: 54, which is above the NSSE average for 1st year students of 45.  CUC is listed 17th in the group of 69 Canadian universities.
CUC 4th Year Student Positive Response: 39, which is lower than the NSSE average for 4th year students of 46.  CUC is listed 39th in the group of 69 Canadian universities.

"I'm very glad our 1st year students report being quite satisfied with their experience at CUC," said Haynal.  "Even though our 4th year students rated us much higher than did 4th year students at most of Canada's major univerisities, we are carefully studying the data to determine ways we can more fully satisfy our 4th year students."

1 comment:

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    Guerrilla University
